Sabtu, 7 Januari 2012


weeee~~~~.... nie r something yg aku da abis wat arie tue..hurmmmm...aku da bg die da smlm...kt tempt x brani nk face ngan die...but that nyte,aku msj die...die ckp die still xkn terima aku lg...hurmm...becoz??....hurmm..ssh nk explain kt sni coz public..hurmmm....menanges....T.T...


i know u still insist that i juz ur frens....
but in my heart..i x penah anggap pown u kwn i..
coz i luv u so muchh....
n i akan tetap cinta u..
n setia kt u sorunk sajew..
i do wish i can get 1 more chance dear..
siyesly i do hope....:'(....
"selagi kaler kt painting tue still x pudar,slagi tue i cinta u sorunk"..
i xkn kapel agy pasnie....
coz i nk setia ngan u sorunk...
i will sacrifice evrything eventhough i earn nothing on it.....:'(

Jumaat, 6 Januari 2012

sakit dada..=.=!

adehhh....lately slalu sakit dada kowt...duyai..ssh nk bernafas..ssh nk berdiri tegakk...ssh nk gelakkk..mcm2 agy r..duyai...bff ckp aku jadik cmtue becoz of stress....hurmm....n agak serius kalo da smpi tahap cmtue...x tau r betol kew x....aku tgk cam ok jew agy..kalo lom pengsan or masok hospital agy,kira nyew x terok agy r tue an??..hahaha..ntahlar..redha jewla....wee~~....>.<..wat mase nie mmg x cukup tido...smpi lar aku da abis jadik COD nnt..maybe mase tue bru free sikit....bff suwoh g check cam mls plak..**x ske g klinik sbenar nyew..heheh........btw,arie nie ader something yg wat aku eppy sgt...i already finish something..hehe..something aper??...huh..=.=!..maner leyh bgtau..ader lar...bile smpi mase nnt,aku bgtau erkk....:P....

x lupe jugak psl si dia nie..die da strt final rinie....hurmm...GUDLUCK TO U....aku x berani da nk msj die....after die "sound" aku ritue...hurmm..agak disappointed...but,x kire die wat cmner pown..aku x penah benci die..x penah jugak mrh die...n ++ aku still syg die n hanye cintakan die.....**mcm psycho r plak..adehhh....ntah lerr...hurmm....windu sgt kt,die mcm da xendahkn jew da....:'(...i do feel want to cry..but crying cant get what i want...errmmmmmm.....:'(


i windu u gilerrr....u mrh i..u benci i...hurmm..
tp i tetap syg u gak....
i tau i slah...i xde niat pown nk wat cmtue....
i harap giler ader agy peluang...
coz i miss u soo muchhh....
i x berani nk msj or kol u..
coz nnt u serabot agy sbb i...
my heart still urs....
n i will never give it to any1 else in d future...
coz it juz belong 2 u...
n only u...:'(

Rabu, 4 Januari 2012

GGgggrRrr~~... tadik ader test eco...aiyoo..pitamm nk mnjwb nyew...hik3...sowi 2 say,i have 2 admit yg tadik terpaksa bwk toyol sikit..adehhh...matilerrr....haihh....ader gak yg leyh wat..mostly 4 sure r x leyh wat an..da lar aku lembab giler psl kira2 tadik ,4a.m until 5a.m...aku study kejap jew..giler x lrt..nga headache time tue..n u know wht!!...>.<....aku mimpi psl die agy....adehh....nk wat cmner an..bile kite syg se2org tue n then die tgglkn kite,4 sure ler jdik cmtue..kowtlar..>.<...sambung balik aku mimpi psl aper...huhu..aku mimpi die dtg bilik aku..pastu bebel2 bilik aku sepah...**die nie bebel jew tau..thats y syg die gilakk..klakar..hehe....pastu die tlg kemas an...aku lak tlg gak..tlg usha die jew..yg wat kijew nyew die..heheh...tue jew aku ingt....=.=!....nape lar xleyh ingt mimpi erkk...slalu sgt cmtue..adehh....bgon jew dr tido aku tgk jam da kul 7 lebiyh..aper lagi...menglopoh ler siap2 nk g klas kul 8pg tue..huhuu....sbaek sempat...haissshhh......

bile da abis klas,aku x tau nk wat back to my single life again..but this time a bit different..slalu nyew balik kelas jew teros balik bilik n on9 FB+ social network yg laen...but this time...aku da stop FACEBOOKING....=.=...Y????...hurmm...becoz aku hanye cintakan die sorunk....aku da xnk jadik mcm dlu...dlu aku ssh nk setia...sbb facebooking ler aku x setia...this time,for a long time..i maybe not facebooking anymore...coz aku cinta die sgt2...bkn sbb aku takot nk face sume bende tue...cume aku nk blajar setia dgn die skang...even da terlambat pown...aku still nk blajar setia dgn die sorunk..hurmmm,,,sgt2 ssh...but worth it 4 me....^.^....i luv u so muchhhh mokkk.....:P....



bwu pas mandi da....wangi da nie..heheh....slalu nyew time skunk dpt msj die or kol die...miss that moment...>.<....tadik b4 strt klas katering,aku tido jap...n then aku termimpi psl die kejap...aku x ingat sgt mimpi tue...dlm mimpi tue die kata.."sy tetap akan syg awk"....then suddenly die tetibe jaoh dr aku...mcm die lari dr aku...last2 aku sentap n teros bgon tido....n on that time, tetibe air mata kuar..**bkn air mani ok....=.=!...ske pikir bkn2..adehh...:P..hurmm..yeahhh....aku teramat cintakn die kalo cmtue..hurmm..but,aku tggu jewla..coz aku tetap setia ngan die sorunk....T.T....tadik x fokus sgt kt kelas...coz kdg2 teringt psl die kejap....die penah ckp...kalo bende cmnie jdik..jgn terlalu ikot an,aku sbrkn diri....hurmmm...:(...abis jew kelas,stiap minit aku asik pikir die....die jugak ader suwoh control perasaan my life,die r d beast couple i ever had....but unfortunately 4 me,aku wat die mrh n fed up sume...hurmm...i do wish i can get one more chances coz i really want 2 spent my life wif u..hurmmm.....

btw,esok test ECO....ngan condition aku cmnie..aku x tau r leyh wat kew x..agy2 aku nie da lah lembap gilerr bab kira2 nie....adehhh...but, aku mesti try workhard jugakk coz die x ske kalo aku wat prangai agy..hurmmm....gudluck on me tomorrow....adehh..>.<...n GUDLUCK NTOK DIE HAVING FINAL EXAM....T.T

half of my life is missing..T.T

today...kiteorg gado lagi.....n die da fed up ngan aku coz asik gado jew....aku fed up jugakk...but aku still syg die n aku xkan sesekali ckp yg aku nk break up...but my lover did says that...die mintak break up coz die x tahan...hurmm...aku xleyh nk menanges coz die ajar aku...hati jgn lembut bagaikn tisu...but im still feel like i wanna cry...:'(...die ckp i can keep d ring or give it back or aku buang jew...hurmm...but my heart choose i want to keep it coz die sorunk jew penah bg ring kt aku berbnding kapel2 aku b4...T.T...aku mintak maaf kt die...byk kali sgt aku mintak maaf kt die...smpikn aku merayu...betol2 merayu....:'( die ckp,die x sesekali toleh blakang agy..but,im still begging coz aku cintakan die sgt2 even kiteorg bru kapel...:'(...aku mintak maap agy kt die...begging giler2 kt die....smpikn aku skip kelas becoz of merayu kt die...:'(..aku betol2 hrp ader lg peluang....smpikan die menjerit mrh aku @ public......T.T..on that time,aku menanges...nanges x henti2...coz die yell in front of my face....:'( heart feel extremely pain on that time...die sanggop wat aku cmtue....

after that,aku hilang semangat da...die da xnk aku semula.....i still crying...non-stop...:'(..this how d couple ends...~THE ENDS~...**AKU DA XDE MOOD NK BLOGGING...wee~~....

~~~~~~~~~IMPORTANT IN MY LIFE~~~~~~~~~~~

i tau i slh...i tau i always buat u fed up wif all kind of things....i mintak maap sgt...i hrp sgt ader lg peluang..i akan berubah becoz of u ,eventhough u ckp da terlambat..:'(....i still akan ubah my attitude..coz i luv u so much...i betol2 blajar erti setia bile kapel dgn u...n becoz of that..from now on..kemungkinan besar..i xkn kapel dgn sesape lg...coz i akan tetap setia dgn u...cinta u....n hati i milik u sorunk....i will luv u 4 d rest of my life my hubby candy...memory about us~~...slagi i ingat memori tue...i tetap cinta u x kire cmner pown keadaan i...T.T


** ok kite continued our luv story..wee~~~......kat maner tadik erkk...heheh

we overnyte juz by using motorcyle....gilerr sejukk mlm tue....huhu...1st destination,aku ckp ngan die yg aku nk tgk x tau citer aper ader on that,kiteorg survey cinema @ sunway....n we watch "PETALING STREET WARRIOR"....n aku bg 4 star for that movies....boleyh thn ler sengal gak citer tue...kdg2 ngantok pown ader gak..hahhaa....mase tue kiteorg gelak giler babeng r....betol2 ting tong da..hahaha....

after finish d movies....we continued our journey...kiteorg g gurney....xyah detail sgt lar an...biase jew rutin biler dating..camtue r..hahhaa....after that kiteorg sambong tgk wyg kowt..giler aku x ingat citer aper..adehh..hehe...abis jew wyg,kiteorg g lepak dpn gurney...tgk laot....n kiteorg bowak2 ler psl life masing2 n our knowledge....aku xde r byk ckp sgt coz aku nie aperlar

aper yg aku tau psl die....b4 this die bdak kos tensile on diploma.... adehhh..xleyh bgtau sgt info psl die..coz agak bahaya yerkk...hahaha....btw,kiteowg mmg sonok giler bowakkk....n @ d same time aku ckp yg aku ske bowak die...n i express what i feel on that time....i juz said aku ske die....pastu mule r aku malu2 bagai..hahahaa....pastu die ckp aku blushing...huh..=.=!....aku da lar itam legam...bole nmpk kew kalo blushing??...adoiyai..x phm tol..huhuhu....

then kiteorg g queensbay,die nk ajar aku mkn pasembur....huhu....x sedap pownn...hahahha.....mase tue angin kuat jewp..sejukk gilerr....bestt jeww...pastu dgn bulan besar gedabak...perghhh...aku jiwang kejap mase tue..hahahaha.....

pastu da kul,kiteorg gerak balik coz kalo boleyh nak balik kul 6pg...bile da kuar pulau jew...kiteorg lepak kejap kt tepi jln kt maner ntah...n sambong bowak agy....aku x puas bowak ngan die coz die klakar sgt...n sgt2 selesa ader ngan die....then aku confess that aku betol2 ske die....cmtue jewla...n aku strt pelok die...>.<...pendek an citer...kiteorg teros balik bile da nk kul 6pg tue....mase tue aku eppy gilerr...coz b4 nie aku ssh nk ske kt some1....then die dtg dlm life aku...n my life getting brighter....

x lame pas kiteorg lepak..we continued start texting 4 a whole day.....n ader jew citer die..n aku lak xleyh benti bowak ngan sgt...:)

**cuti mid term....
pendek citer jeww.....die proposed me to be my couple....n die bg cincin....on that time aku kt kl coz die ckp die nk dtg kl b4 pergi, we meet @ bukit bintang....n bile die bg that ring..i was like....uuuwwwaaaaaa.......feels like i wanna jumping around..n golekk2 jap..hahaha...gilerr eppy mase tue.....the most happiest day in my life on that time....n die wat aku eppy sgt....mase tue kiteorg da declare that we r kiteorg dating agy kt kl....uwaaa.....that was my happiest day in my life....huhu....

Selasa, 3 Januari 2012

tOday'S stOry...

hye guysss...long time no see....^.^..btw,i got one story to tell u guyss....its about " COUPLE 4 A WHILE"..means that kapel x lame sgt lar.....okie.....:P

on 23 dis......
i met one person at social network...*p.s: secret....heheh....1st time i borak dgn die n agak sonok coz die seorg yg sgt2 sengal+ting tong....mcm i..heheh...lucky 4 me on that time coz die dok dekat jew..more lucky on me coz die same,on that time i tgh x tau nk suwoh sape teman..coz all my roomate g mner ntah....then ,die asking me g dinner 2gether...mase tue dlm kpale otak.."eh2..die mcm tau2 jew i pown nga lapar nie",kiteorg discuss what time,n where....after set time n place...aku pown siap2 lar coz da lapa tahap gaban..hik3...

place: jusco sajeww.....=.=!
bile aku da smpi jusco die msj that we will meet @ starbuck....gilerr kentang an jumpe kt starbuck...huhu..padahal jumpe jew kt situ..bkn nyew dinner kt situ..x kenyg poiitt....**padahal xde duet da..hehehe....then aku agak surprise coz aku x expect aper yg ader kt die nie....huhu..i thought die nie same jew cam bdak2 yg penah aku jumpe sblom nie...but d facts is..die sgt2 different...:)...n we having our dinner @ mcd sajew...hehe...n we start our conversation...n what can i see is die sgt2lar peramah org nyew...cheerful person...n a lot of things aku ske kt die....after da abis mkn...aku ckp lar...buhsan gilerr..x tawu nk g mner coz xde teman...then,die tanye nk g overnyte x.....**mase tue aku gilerrr berhrp die ajak...n finally that person did...hehee....then i agree overnyte ngan die....but die kene anta motor die @ campus...n gune motor aku jew g overnyte...

after evrything settle......kiteorg start our journey g overnyte....n its really fun on that time...overnyte riding motor sajew..hahaha...klakar....^.^